
Choosing Seasonal Clothing for your kid


By: admin | 14 November 2023

Choosing Seasonal Clothing for your kid

The weather can be quite cruel when it comes to affecting the body. We, as adults ourselves are quite susceptible to seasonal illnesses like fevers and cold and flu. Imagine what it could do to your little one if he/she isn’t protected against the elements! So apart from medicines and precautionary vaccines, choosing the right clothes for your baby according to the seasons is also of utmost importance.


Spring is one of the friendlier seasons around and the weather is quite pleasant and agreeable during this time. But that doesn’t mean that your little one is completely safe and protected from the weather. Despite the fact that February marks the coming of spring, the winter chill is still in the air and can be quite nipping at times. To make sure that your child is well protected against this deceptively safe season, make sure that you choose full sleeved clothing that are made of an airier material like cotton or hosiery. Spring can be quite sunny too sometimes, so the airy material will help keep your little one ventilated, while the full sleeves will protect him/her from the nip in the air that is still present. Spring is also the time when quite a lot of pollen is present in the air. Pollen can cause your little one to sneeze quite a lot, so to avoid that you could always use facemasks that have been particularly designed for babies. These masks make sure that your baby is able to breathe without any problem, yet be protected from the pollen, pollution and dust present in the air.


Summer is one of the harshest seasons that your baby will have to go through and to cope with the damage that this season could possibly do to your kid you need to pick the appropriate clothing to protect your little one. The one thing you absolutely need to remember is not to over dress or under dress your baby. Overdressing the little one will definitely make him/her develop a rash and under dressing could cause the little one to have sunburns, or worse, a heat stroke! The best way to figure out what to make your kid wear is to look at your own clothes! Look at the material your summer clothes are made of. Clothing that is fit for summer is loose fitting and breezy. Clothing made out of materials like cotton are ideal for summers since they absorb perspiration better and let air pass through easily too. If you decide to stay indoors with your little one, remember to keep your house well ventilated and your little one comfy in loose fitted clothing. If, however, you decide to head out in the heat, make sure your little one is covered well but in light coloured clothing that has the capacity to let air through. You could also add a hat to your little one’s ensemble to help protect from the harmful rays of the sun from falling onto his/her face!


When winters begin we adults start to feel the chills quite severely! Imagine what your little one must be going through! To make sure that the baby stays warm and cozy throughout this time, you have to keep certain things in mind. Everything from the baby’s cot, to the baby’s shoes needs to be warm and comfortable for the little one. When going out, you can opt for soft and cozy onesies for the baby to slip him/her into and have it protect your cherub from the harsh weather. Choosing the right kind of warm clothes is of extreme importance since sometimes warm clothes like certain woolens can cause itching in kids. In such a case opt for softer and thicker clothes like the material snow suits are made of. Another thing to keep in mind is that usually, kids loose a lot of their body heat from their head, so keeping the head covered up in a soft hat will go a long way in keeping him/her warm. Gloves or mittens also help a great deal to keep the hands and feet of the little one warm and comfy. So accessorizing during winters is a good thing!

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