
Precautions to be Taken in Pregnancy


By: admin | 14 November 2023

Precautions to be Taken in Pregnancy

Motherhood is really a blessing as becoming a mother is the most unique and best thing a mother could ask for in a lifetime. When a little heart starts beating inside, the feeling of being overprotective, concerned, precautious, sensitivity all starts to begin. This is the time when you are informed to be extra careful as having a "human inside a human" is a miracle. All the three trimesters of pregnancy have different do’s and don’ts. You have to constantly double think everything that you’re putting into your body as now you’re sharing it with your unborn child. Thoughts of what you ate when, will constantly race through your mind. You might not know if you ingested something unknowingly that can put you or your baby at risk.


The first trimester is a period of major development for your foetus and of profound physical and emotional changes for you. You may realize that you are pregnant straight away, however many women will not realize they are pregnant until at least week four or five. As your body begins working overtime developing the foetus, you will most likely be exhausted during the first trimester.

  • You should take plenty of time out to rest during this period. If you feel like having a nap during the day, try to do so. One of the most preventable complications of pregnancy is to avoid smoking before and during pregnancy. Smoking before pregnancy increases your chances of misconception and smoking while you are pregnant is even worse. It increases the risk rate of complications in your baby. Some studies have shown that it increases the chances of a premature birth by 30% along with developmental defects.
  • Also you must be careful with what you eat. Fish is a great food, rich in protein and omega 3 fatty acids, but some fish varieties may contain high levels of mercury which could be unhealthy for you and your baby. It may be hard to avoid, but try to cut down the caffeinated beverages from your diet during your pregnancy. Try eating healthy food.
  • Caffeine has been known to induce levels of anxiety, uneasiness and sleeping problems. Drinking alcohol could be very harmful to you and your baby. Drinking it while you are pregnant means that your baby is also drinking it as the alcohol content passes through your blood and into the fetus crossing the placental barrier. This could cause side effects that include the fetus growing slower, your baby developing learning, visual and hearing complications. Although you may want to take a pain reliever during your pregnancy, some medication could do more harm than good.
  • Some drugs can interrupt the development of the fetus causing many prenatal diseases. Make sure that you meet with your doctor to ask him what medications are okay to use, and which ones aren’t.
  • No doubt, you will get stress from your pregnancy week by week. Your body and your life is about to take a drastic turn and naturally this might make you a bit uncomfortable. A good tip to remember is to not let that stress take over you. Talk about what’s bothering you with your partner, family or friends.
  • Go on small outings.
  • Get plenty of sleep, as this will make you feel better and active for your daily activities.


The second trimester is often considered to be the best period of pregnancy. You will probably find that many of the side effects of the first trimester have begun to disappear and you should begin to experience a general feeling of well-being. Your digestive system is slowing the rate at which it moves food in your body. The increasing size of your uterus will push your stomach causing heartburn and you may also experience bloating and indigestion. The slower rate of digestion can also result in constipation.

  • Try to eat smaller meals more often, rather than three large meals per day.
  • Do not take unnecessary supplements in the form of tablets until they are prescribed by your doctor.
  • Never sleep on your tummy as you may suffocate your baby making them uncomfortable.
  • Do not go for any strong medication or antibiotics. Avoiding self-medication is the most important precaution in pregnancy.
  • High heels, tight dresses should be avoided, as it can make you and your baby uncomfortable. Accidental slippage can occur because of unbalanced slippers.
  • No strenuous activity or lifting should be done.
  • Do not sit in a single position for hours. Move around for some time, take a walk and then get back again.
  • If you experience pain, bleeding or any other symptoms that look doubtful, immediately report to your doctor.


Like the first trimester of pregnancy, the third trimester is also crucially important for the mother and her child. It is during this period that the baby is fully mature and the mother would get signs that she is ready to give birth. By the third trimester, the fatigue, nausea and tiredness might return. Therefore, an expectant mother must follow several precautionary measures to keep herself fit and to ensure that the baby’s development is healthy and positive. The third trimester basically is the period from the 7th month to birth, wherein the mother may encounter several bodily changes, including weight gain of 1-3 kg per month and tightening of uterine muscles for preparation of birth. Pregnant women need to avoid some basic things and take care of certain situations to ease stress and to ensure healthy childbirth.

  • You should avoid carrying heavy loads as this can strain your back which can affect the baby.
  • You must also avoid taking stairs for reaching higher floors.
  • Go for a walk each day and perform several breathing exercises as referred by your doctor. During this period, you need extra sleep. This can be implemented through proper diet and exercise. But the shortness of breath may interfere with the sleep. So, avoid sleeping on your right side. Instead, lie on the left side. This short term strategy can improve blood flow and work as a sleep aid.
  • Overeating must be avoided.
  • The 8th month is crucial for the development of the baby, as the baby is nearly ready for the birth. Moreover, this month is the period of rapid growth of the baby. So, you need to be very alert about the signs and signals that your body gives you.
  • Avoid too much work and keep yourself hydrated to avoid constipation.
  • Also, as a precaution, lie down on your back if you get Braxton Hicks contractions.
  • As a precaution, you must decide about the birth process before hand, and you and your partner should make all necessary arrangements, including checking out the hospital where you will give birth.
  • You must take maternity leave from the job so that you can rest and prepare yourself for the arrival of the baby.
  • This strategy can help you stay fit and stress-free by the time you go into labour.
  • Consult your physician regarding any kind of medical problem that you might encounter during childbirth.
  • If you have gestational diabetes, then you must avoid any type of unnatural sugar and must keep your blood pressure within normal range.

All the best!

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