
Common hurdles in first year parenthood & how to deal with them


By: admin | 14 November 2023

Common hurdles in first year parenthood & how to deal with them

Love followed by marriage and then arrives the most beautiful period of every couple's life "Parenthood". 

But it is not an easy period at all to deal with especially the first year as everything changes with the arrival of the baby - especially parents’ lifestyle. They can't be care-free to love each other or spend time with each other, as now most of there time will be devoted in looking after their baby. I have been going through this phase since two years so I know the kind of difficulty we faced as a couple to adjust with the addition of new member in our bedroom

It's the most beautiful feeling in the world when we held our baby for the first time, I still remember when I saw my tiny bub and held him in my hands, all pain flew away in seconds because the happiness was beyond any expression. Giving birth is easier than parenting. We as first time parents faced some issues in the initial days like:

* Balancing work and family both

* Sleepless Night 

* Finding balance in Night

* Lack of patience

* No time for us 

* No Sex

* Angry outburst

* Clashing Parenting style 

* Dealing with the style

* Frequent visits to the doctor 

New parenting phase was very difficult for us, we used to fight and things used to get worked up for us. But then after a few days, we realized our mistake and talked, discussed our heart out with each other. Mutual understanding brought us to a decision where we planned to share baby’s responsibilities. Some things he will look after like changing diapers or putting baby to sleep and some I I’ll look after like feeding, bathing etc. It is difficult and different at the beginning but through discussion things can be sorted and can be dealt at good level.

As we say, it seems impossible when we are alone, but together we can do it. It’s my humble advice to all new parents or parents to be, you should never get frustrated or angry, deal with the whole phase with love and care, you can handle this phase of maturity. It's just both parents should understand each other and try to cooperate each other as much as they can.

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