

Ways to Bond With Your Little One Using Indoor Games


By: admin | 14 November 2023

Ways to Bond With Your Little One Using Indoor Games

While most parents focus on their kids' achievement, happiness, and well-being, they often overlook the value of fostering the parent-child relationship. Yes, it is crucial to see that a child's fundamental physical and emotional requirements are satisfied, but it is also essential to see that parents have a close emotional bond with their kids. And it needs to start right away.

It's beneficial for your child's growth and welfare to spend particular time with them. That's because it strengthens your bond and gives your kid more self-confidence. Spending time with you can make your child happier, more at ease, and develop resilience for adolescence. It's crucial to establish the foundation early on because of this. Additionally, giving your child frequent special time alongside you might help them cope with the times when you're not paying full attention to them or while you're apart.

Giving your kids complete attention and demonstrating that they are your top priority will help them understand that they are essential to you. It will also help you know their interests, dislikes, concerns, and annoyances. It will also help you be a good example for them by talking to them and listening to them.

Indoor Games that can help you bond with your little ones

Look and say

Point to various items throughout the home while identifying and describing them. Look at the kitty! That kitty is orange. His linguistic skills will improve, and your relationship will get stronger.


You only need your arms and a charming voice to play this game. With your baby by your side, sit down, hide your face using your hands or a bedsheet, then lift them and yell "peek-a-boo!" Your little child will like watching you vanish and then reappear. Your infant will begin to play back with you as they get older.

Body games

To educate your infant on the names of their physical parts, name each one and point to it. Where is the baby's nose? There you go! To assist them in linking the two, you might also gesture to your nose: "Where is mommy's nose? This is it!

Box truck

Your youngster should be securely placed inside an empty box or carton with some cozy covers to keep them warm. Next, move the box while yelling "vroom vroom" like a car. They'll enjoy zooming around the home in their go mobile, and you'll benefit from some exercise. If there isn't much room, you can still accomplish the same result by rocking the box back and forth while making noises.


Sing songs to your child and make musical instruments from secure household items. For instance, to create a shaker, fill an empty bottle with some buttons or beads and fasten it firmly. Both music and shaking the shaker are excellent for developing motor skills. The most crucial aspect is to use your imagination and, of course, to enjoy yourself.

Cooking drummer

By turning over secure, unbreakable bowls, pots, and pans, you can create a set of percussion in your kitchen. Take some wooden spoons and use them as drumsticks. Your young rock star will amuse himself by discovering the many noises they can produce. They may improve his fine-motor abilities by playing this game, which is also fantastic.

Soccer pass

With your young child, roll a soft ball back and forth. This back-and-forth game tells them that you might react to their actions and is fantastic for boosting their confidence. Talk with them about the ball they chose while you try adding another to make it even more entertaining.

Other activities that you can do to bond with your little ones

Bedtime tales

As part of your daily routine, bedtime stories can be the most acceptable option for establishing a relationship with your kid. Make the time with the kids a "special connect" time. You might read aloud to your child or narrate for them. You can choose to read to the child while holding her close to you and giving her a few gentle squeezes, or you can choose for quiet narration interrupted with movements. These methods will make the relationship stronger.


It's a great approach to provide kids with a fun and entertaining experience and a therapeutic one to get them involved in art or craft projects. It's rare to meet a child, regardless of age, who isn't interested in some form of art. When we work creatively with kids, we provide them with a way to communicate their ideas and emotions and establish the foundation for developing an emotionally intelligent kid. Younger kids, who aren't yet able to express their complex feelings, are especially susceptible to this. The likelihood is that your relationships with your child will be more constructive when they have recourse to a creative outlet.


We know that reading to kids is an easy technique to help them with their reading and literacy skills. However, studies have also shown that reading to children boosts brain growth patterns linked to connection and bonding. This makes sense because Storytime typically entails snuggling, physical contact, and shared emotion. You are already utilizing an excellent opportunity to strengthen your relationship with your child if you prioritize reading aloud to them at home.


Ask your kid to assist you in maintaining a small veggie or flower plot in your garden. If you don't have a yard, you can grow some plants indoors or in a few pots on your balcony. Get your child engaged in all the tasks, from planting the seeds to watering, trimming, and de-weeding the plants. You can even use your kid and the plant to snap a "selfie" at various stages of growth.

Daily strolls

Make doing this a daily ritual. Every evening, you may stroll around the neighbourhood or to the park. Talk to each other while you go alongside each other hand in hand. Encourage your child to notice things around him by pointing out people and items.


Family mealtimes can involve stress. Attempting to remove kids from the cooking area is typically the cause. As most parents will attest, this immediately encourages our kids to continue their march toward the kitchen. Why not conserve energy and use this opportunity to strengthen your relationship with your child?

According to research, getting kids involved in meal preparation promotes family unity and connection and even lessens behavioural issues. Although having children in the kitchen might require a little more time and effort, the benefits are worth it.

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