
How to say no to toddlers


By: admin | 14 November 2023

How to say no to toddlers

Parenting is hard work and also fun. Raising children is not easy. Babies and toddlers will do things their way and are frequently doing things that make adults need and want to say NO.

There are times in parenting when saying no as a form of child discipline doesn't make sense. It's better to offer choices and help kids develop reason.

The word NO feels critical to child discipline for many parents. It is not a good teaching word for toddlers, they are still learning to think and understand instructions.

Here are some positive alternatives saying no to toddlers:

Show, Don't Tell

It is technique experience through words, action, thoughts and feelings. It gives more concrete information than saying no, while still getting across the message that what he/she’s doing is not right. A positive instruction will teach toddlers how to behave in a way that will gain your approval.

Think Before You Speak

We’ve all heard the phrase before, we can't depend on a two-year-old to control themselves, no matter how emphatically we tell him to stop what they’re doing. We should think before speaking especially when it comes to children. When our child does something mischievous it's easy to say "No" right?

The key here is simply to use the words wisely, for e.g. Don't throw the ball in the living room, “Why don't you roll the ball down the hall". 

Use the art of distraction

A child can be very stubborn at times but also young enough to be easily distracted away from whatever’s causing problem. But also keeping in mind since the child was intensely interested it’s easy to show something that he/she’ll find equally fascinating.

A Can-Do Attitude

As you set limits, let your child know what he/she is permitted to do, suggests Heather Wittenberg, a child psychologist. Saying, "No digging in the flowerpot" will leave them feeling stymied and frustrated. So try suggesting an alternative activity, such as "Let's go outside to dig. Words like these are more encouraging and we get a better result.

Ask for the rule

Household rules let everyone in the family know how to behave. The toddler stage is one that requires a lot of patience - they are testing their boundaries and exploring the world around them. For e.g. “Hitting the TV might break it”; we have to help them understand. the word danger, this will help the child reinforce that they know the rule, giving them a chance to correct themselves and do it right.

Give positive alternatives

Better behavior without punishment is possible. The alternatives to punishment you find in this section will focus on real solutions and learning tools, to help children feel more connected, capable and cooperative. The alternatives are aimed at helping them and keeping a loving and respectful relationship with your child.

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