
Helping your little one use the potty seat


By: admin | 14 November 2023

Helping your little one use the potty seat

‘When’ is one word that will often come to your mind when you start to think about potty training your little one, and rightly so. The exact time you need to start training your little one to use the loo can be debatable and will also vary from one kid to another. There are a lot of signs that you might be able to notice that your kid may give out if he/she has to go, like clutching his/her diaper or stopping an activity they are doing midway. Most babies start showing these symptoms when they are around 18-24 months old, but then again, as we said earlier, it may very well vary! Patience is the key here, especially when you start helping your little one to use the potty seat. One cannot put down a specific number when it comes to the time it might take for you to train the little one to efficiently use the loo since it is by no means an overnight process, but a majority of kids tend to pick it up in 3-6 months. There are two types of baby potties that you can use to help the little one get used to using the loo,

  • One is a standalone that is a baby-sized potty chair of sorts with a removable bottom that can be used to empty the contents into your toilet.
  • The other type is a toddler seat that can be attached to your toilet that helps your baby feel safe and secure and not be afraid to fall.

Preparing your baby

Before your little one actually does start showing signs that he/she wants to go and you go ahead with the process of potty training, there are many ways you can prepare the baby for the process itself.

  • You can use small words like ‘pee’ or ‘poo’ to communicate about the act of using the toilet.
  • Getting a potty chair for your child to practice on sitting in the beginning. You can take this stage forward gradually. Start by making your little one sit on it clothed, then with a diaper and then bare bottomed. This will help your kid learn to use the potty gradually and in a more efficient manner.
  • Once you have determined that the little one is now ready to start using the potty, there are few other things that you need to keep in mind.
  • From setting aside some time everyday and SHOWING your little one how to sit on the toilet to encouraging your child to sit on the pot 15-30 mins post his/her meal and offering your baby tiny rewards when they use the potty, all these together will make for a great way of training your little one to poop in the pot.

Shower the little one with praises anytime he/she even attempts to use the pot, and always remember accidents are a part of the whole process, so being calm and tolerant about the whole thing will help you and your baby go a long way.

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