
Supplements that should and should not be consumed during pregnancy


By: admin | 14 November 2023

Supplements that should and should not be consumed during pregnancy

There are no second thoughts about the fact that pregnancy is an amazing journey and an amazingly rewarding one at that too! However, it can also get quite overwhelming and confusing at times without a doubt! What with all the information that various sources like the internet and the various magazines decide to dish out, this feeling of confusion only increases! It is always good to have all the information you can get during your pregnancy, but when this information starts clashing with one another, that is where things start getting tricky. Of course, most of the women know that eating a few things in particular like sea-food that is high in mercury is a total no-no during pregnancy, however what they don’t know is that some common nutrients and even herbal supplements are not all that great to consume during this time. Here is our list of the supplements that you should be consuming and the one you shouldn’t to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy.

Safe Supplements

Prenatal Vitamins

We are sure that you are already aware of this and also know how important prenatal vitamins are for the development of your baby! Specifically formulated to ensure that it helps mothers meet the increased nutrient need prior to, during and post her pregnancy, prenatal vitamins are one of the most important supplements that your doctor will also suggest you take. Of course, just because you are taking these vitamins does not mean that you do not concentrate on consuming a healthy diet which is a non-comprisable.


Did you know that the quantity of your blood increases by 50% when you are pregnant? That is exactly what calls for the increase’s intake of iron as well. You see, iron happens to be an extremely important nutrient when it comes to making sure that your baby grows healthy and develops at the right pace. Apart from that, iron also happens to be extremely important to transport oxygen to the baby too. Iron also helps prevent anaemia in pregnant women effectively.

Vitamin B9

Popularly also known as Folate, the nutrient plays an extremely important when it comes to the synthesis of DNA and red blood cells production apart from helping I all round foetal growth and development. Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider to find out how much folate is good for you and many units you should be taking in a day.

Other safe supplements:

  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin D
  • Fish Oil
  • Ginger

Unsafe Supplements:

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that usually plays really important role in the body like various immune functions that other nutrients do not do. However, during pregnancy, doctors recommend that women not take the nutrient as it has been associated with increased risk of abdominal pain and it might even lead to the rupture of the amniotic sack!

Vitamin A

Known for helping combat issues such as night blindness and being quite good for the development of foetal vision, a little too much of this nutrient can actually prove to be harmful for both the mother and her child. As vitamin A is also a fat-soluble vitamin, the body ends up storing the excess amount in the liver. This accumulation is one that can lead to issues in the liver to say the least. Apart from this, excess amounts are also known to cause birth defects in babies. So, once you are aware about which supplements are good and bad for you, have a talk with your doctor and design a diet routine according to your need and wat and incorporate these supplements in your daily intake.

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