
How to Cope with Emotions During Pregnancy


By: admin | 14 November 2023

How to Cope with Emotions During Pregnancy

Emotions during pregnancy 

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, her body immediately begins to adapt to the changes that will transpire over the following nine months. One of the first and most common of these changes are the increased levels of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone.

A healthy pregnancy requires higher levels of progesterone and oestrogen, but these hormones are also frequently responsible for certain common undesirable side effects. This is particularly accurate in the first trimester.

In addition to being ill and exhausted, it's typical to have mood changes, feel emotional, or get easily agitated. The symptoms often subside once the body has adjusted to the elevated dose of these hormones. Yet, some pregnant women continue to feel these symptoms after giving birth.

Apart from the inevitable ups and downs of pregnancy, the experience of giving birth to a new life may be thrilling and uplifting. The significant changes experienced during pregnancy and childbirth also bring upon feelings of anxiety and vulnerability. Especially, parents who become pregnant after a previous loss or have undergone a reproductive treatment may find this to be true.

Despite your excitement over the pregnancy, you may also experience some discomfort There may be difficult decisions, the worries and fears of being a new mom, as well as learning to deal with the responsibility of a new life. 

Coping with these emotions

By minimising or preventing unfavourable emotional, behavioural, cognitive, and physiological reactions to stresses, coping strategies throughout pregnancy may help during and after delivery. Hence, it is important to recognise the signs and practise the coping strategies, in order to protect the mother and the baby. In contrast, people who avoid dealing with their anxieties or participate in risky health behaviours like smoking to lessen anxiety would be more vulnerable. As an example, those who cope by obtaining emotional support or acting to remedy the situation may experience less negative impacts of stress.

Here are some ways you can cope with heightened emotions and fears during pregnancy -

Talk it out

It is common knowledge that bottling up certain feelings can lead to further anxiety and stress. It is important during pregnancy to discuss your worries with the people you can fall back on and feel comfortable with. It is also recommended to speak to other expectant mothers and experienced mothers about these feelings and the ones that follow, after the birth of the baby. These conversations will make you feel less alone through this process and will create a support group of mothers who can empathise with you.

Give your body what it need

It is important to have an adequate intake of the right diet, get the right kind of exercise as well adequate amounts of rest during this period of your life. Caring for not just yourself but also for your baby can be both emotionally and physically taxing. Hence, it is of utmost importance to listen to what your mind and body need during this phase.

Calming Techniques

Some people find that singing and listening to music during pregnancy can assist in reducing stress and improving wellness. Writing about your feelings and keeping a journal can help cope with stress and anxiety.

According to research, massage can help some pregnant women feel more relaxed and happier. Attending prenatal yoga courses has also been found to benefit you in your labour preparations by lowering stress and anxiety. To ensure that your therapy is both safe and successful, ask if your massage therapist or yoga teacher has received training in dealing with expectant clients.

Feeling the rollercoaster ride of emotions during pregnancy can be hectic, but it is normal and almost every expectant mother goes through this phase. Your emotions can swing from feeling blissful and overjoyed, to angry and cranky, to overly active and then to exhausted. It is best to embrace each emotion as it comes and to try and stay calm and collected while the not-so-pleasant emotions occur as they will eventually pass.

All you need to do is remember to navigate these emotions correctly. Your foetus can sense the emotions you feel, so it is important to stay level-headed in these situations, but also know that your unpleasant feelings are normal, valid, and are not here to stick for long. The likelihood of developing depression or anxiety after delivery is increased by not tackling these feelings during pregnancy.

If you suspect that you may be suffering from an anxiety problem, it's crucial to discuss your emotional issues with your doctor. It is only when you speak up that these things can be dealt with and rid of.

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