
How Can Mothers Get “Me” Time?


By: admin | 14 November 2023

How Can Mothers Get “Me” Time?

While motherhood is one of the most special experiences in a woman’s lifetime, at times it can get overwhelming. She tends to forget her needs and requirements in the process of nurturing the child within her womb and later in this world. Being a first-time mother to my angelic daughter had made me focus all my energy and attention on her. For few months I couldn’t think of anything else except my daughter’s routine. I felt guilty about leaving her even for few hours. Be it a salon visit, shopping with friends, watching a movie or having dinner outside with my husband - everything made me feel guilty. It was my little one who had taken all over my mind and soul. We mums usually forget ourselves as we become mothers. I strongly believe that motherhood adds immense joy to the life of a women and she can give up on best of the things to live up to the expectations. When I chose to be a mum, I really had no idea what I was getting into. From staying awake at night to living in the fear of letting a piece of my heart walk outside of me – everything made me jittery and scared. The role of being a mother has tested me more than any other experience of my life. I have found more joy in being a mother than in any other job, career or talent. While it is fun, at times I started missing my old life and the time I had for myself. Some soul searching and deep thinking made me realize that I needed occasional breaks and “me” time for my sanity’s sake. I needed to take out time to do something for myself. Here are the lists of things that I have been trying to do in order to enjoy the best of both worlds:

Lunch date with friends

Friends can be the best stress busters. So, request your husband to watch the kids (If you have more than one) and go out with your friends. Do whatever refreshes you.

Pamper yourself at a salon

Feeling beautiful from outside is as important as feeling beautiful from within. The outer beauty also at times uplifts how we are feeling within. Why not make yourself beautiful by spending an hour or two at your favorite salon. Get yourself pampered with a body massage or a spa, get a new haircut and get your beauty enhanced with that perfectly suited facial.

Watch your favorite show on TV

At times I fail to remember when I had watched television at peace or when I had actually watched something that I liked the most. You could send your kids to the nearest park with your husband or parents and relax on your sofa to have some me time watching your favorite show on TV. You could also put your kids to sleep early at night and cuddle along with your husband to watch something that you both like. This will help in husband-wife bonding as well, which is yet another important factor affecting a women’s mind.

Movie and dinner dates

Have you been waiting to watch the latest movie of your favorite actor? Well, time, I understand is a major constraint and you can’t take kids along to the movie theatre. Take help - ask any of the grandparents if they are around to watch over the kids for some time so that you can go out and enjoy a movie or two once in a while. In case grandparents aren’t available you could take your husband’s help in watching the kids and enjoying a great movie out with your friends.

Read and relax

If you are a bookworm and haven’t been able to lay hands on your favorite books for a long while then this is the time to relax with a cup of coffee and a book in hand. Put your kids to sleep early or use the time when they are out at school to read. I bet this is going to relax you a lot.

Retail therapy

Well, shopping is obviously a stress buster. However, with kids shopping takes a back seat. Make an arrangement for someone to manage your kids and plan a shopping trip with your friends. Being a mother is a full-time job and takes a lot of effort. However, mothers fulfill all the responsibilities willingly and happily. While managing your kids beautifully it’s important to take breaks, to give time to yourself to do things that you love the most. Whatever you choose to do for having the much-needed “ME” time, keep all your worries at bay and have a great time. Soon you shall see the transformation. Always remember that becoming a mother didn’t change who you are. While you are now more responsible for this tiny little human, you are still the same woman, a thinker and much more. Try to strike a perfect balance between your mother-child time and your ‘me’ time so both of them thrive well. Personally, I have started going out once in a week over the weekend while my husband watches our daughter. Having an inclination for writing has helped me further. I write almost every day and that helps in de-stressing a lot. Doing such little things for ourselves, help us become a better and happier parent. What do you do to spend some ME TIME? Do share some time-tested tips with us in the comments section below.

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