As we celebrated 10 years of our brand, we decided to do something special for all the moms and babies who have made us who we are. So we decided to have a Facebook Live session with our doctors and specialists on board. This was a great way to reach out to moms who have questions about pregnancy, baby and more. Our first session was with Dr Anjali Kumar and a huge success. Dr. Anjali is the Director of department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at Artemis Hospitals, Gurgaon and also the Director of “The Gynae Clinic”. She has done groundbreaking work in the field and we were privileged to have her with us. Take a look below!
Question 1: My husband and I have been trying for conceiving since 5months. No luck so far. We went to doctor regarding this and came to know that I have PCOD and was prescribed some tablets. Is there any chance to get pregnant with PCOD?
Answer 1: Don’t lose heart. PCOD is very common these days but it isn’t a life threatening disease. PCOD is a lifestyle disorder typically seen in urban women. However, you shouldn’t lose heart. The doctors would do all the necessary check-ups for you. Folic acid tablets and exercises and healthy diet would have been prescribed – basically take care of your lifestyle. If you are following all that, then there is nothing such as PCOD suffering women can’t get pregnant. Sometimes PCOD poses some challenges but if you look after yourself then getting pregnant with PCOD shouldn’t be a challenge.
Question 2: Are there any tests that need to be done before planning a baby?
Answer 2: Yes. Whenever you’re planning something big in your life, it’s always better to plan for it properly. And having a baby is a big event and a change. So it’s always better to consult a doctor and get all the investigations done. Typically it is called a pre-conception planning. It includes important tests like blood sugar, haemoglobin, thalassemia, rubella check, ultrasound, pap smear etc. If all these are normal then you can go ahead and try for a baby and the doctor may prescribe folic acid tablets. In case, there is something amiss, the doctor can suggest things that should be followed. If you look after your health and follow the doctor’s advice, it’s a great journey ahead!
Question 3: By what age should I try to have a baby at the latest? Does a late pregnancy affect baby?
Answer 3: Since lifestyle and work styles have changed, women are getting married late and planning babies accordingly. So this is a very common question that I am asked frequently. So the general rule is to plan your first pregnancy before the age of 30 and usually no pregnancy after 35. That does not mean women above 35 cannot conceive or women who plan before 25 will always have hassle-free pregnancies. But as you age, the chances of medical complications in pregnancy increase. Things like blood pressure, and diabetes also shoot up. Also, in some cases, chances of abnormalities in the baby rise as the age of the parents go up. It is just not the mother but also the father. It is for both parents should take age into consideration before planning a baby. I have delivered baby for a 48 year old lady but completing your family by 35 is the safest.
Question 4: Now that I am pregnant, will having a lower BP (blood pressure) affect my baby?
Answer 4: First of all, having low BP is not a problem. Having a low BP is always preferable to having high BP. Unless the low BP is caused by dehydration or blood loss, it is absolutely okay to have BP on the lower side and you will be healthier than people with high BP. As long as your doctor has given you an okay, everything is alright. In case you are still worried about your BP, include plenty of fluids in your diet.
Question 5: What should I know if am planning a natural birth? Is natural birth better for baby than caesarean birth?
Answer 5: This is a hot topic these days. Due to a lot of reasons, there has been a rise in number of C-section deliveries. The reasons for this are far too many. This is primarily due to lifestyle changes. People are planning pregnancies late, high-risk pregnancies, high blood pressure, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, big baby etc. often lead to such decisions. But normal labour is definitely better than something that is not normal. However, if the doctor feels that a C-section is needed for medical reasons like, small size of mother’s pelvis, high BP, big baby etc. then it is better to go with it, rather than compromising on the baby or mother’s health. Let the doctor take the decision as the doctor knows what the best is for you. And in case everything is going on normally, then it is better to go in for a normal delivery. it’s your responsibility to lead an active, healthy lifestyle, not worry too much about the pain and ensure a stress-free pregnancy if you want to have a normal birth.
Question 6: Any exercises to help reduce labour pain?
Answer 6: A million-dollar question. Across the ages people have described labour pain as the most painful thing, thus leading to a lot of anxiety and fear around it. But I believe there is a psychological element attached to labour pain. However, these days we have medical and non-medical options to take care of the pain. One of the most common methods is using an epidural delivery, also known as painless delivery. You can try breathing exercises etc. and having the husband in the labour room works wonders! It’s not so painful that you can’t handle it but in case you do face trouble, we are there to make it easier to handle it.
Question 7: When is the latest I can travel during pregnancy because I love to travel?
Answer 7: We all love to travel. Medically speaking, it is not advisable to travel in the first and third trimester unless and until it’s an unavoidable circumstance. The second trimester is supposed to be the golden period of pregnancy as you are more comfortable and symptoms of the first trimester are settled etc. However, try to avoid travelling beyond 32 weeks. Most of the airlines also do not allow travel beyond that. In case it is unavoidable, please consult your doctor before travelling to get all the details and know the precautions.
Question 8: Are there any hormone injections I should be taking during pregnancy?
Answer 8: God has made pregnancy self-sufficient. Ina normal case, pregnancy doesn’t need anything. Scientific study also says that having hormonal injections doesn’t have much scientific value. But of course, your doctor knows best. Avoid self-medication and do not take injections because it worked for somebody else.
Question 9: How many litres of water should one consume during pregnancy? Does it vary from person to person?
Answer 9: There’s no specific rule for that. Generally we tell patients to have 1.5 to 2 litres of liquid intake every day in any form they like – juice, coconut water, milk, tea, water etc. But you should always follow your body’s signals. If you feel dehydrated, you should drink water and the liquid intake also differs from season to season. For example, in peak summer seas, you would be drinking more water. Please drink water whenever you’re thirsty!
Question 10: What are some light exercises that can be done during pregnancy to stay in shape? Is running advisable during pregnancy, I have always been a runner?
Answer 10: There is only shape during pregnancy and that is a round shape. The sooner you accept it, the better. Exercising to get into a desired shape is not the point of focus at this point of time. But you must exercise and keep yourself active for all the other benefits that exercises provide. Exercises ensure that you gain the right kind of weight, it ensures that you do not have gestational diabetes etc. It also prevents high BP and prepares you for labour. Women who are physically active will always have a shorter and easy labour. You can do walking, yoga, swimming etc. Swimming is the best exercise for pregnancy and can be done right up till 9th month. But you must not be doing any excessive manoeuvres or fancy strokes during swimming. If you have always been a runner, it is absolutely safe as long as you take sufficient precautions – like running on a level surface, not going overboard about it etc. Just be cautious.
Question 11: I have problem of heartburn (acidity). How do I go about it?
Answer 11: Acidity is also part of the pregnancy journey. You can take antacids and modify your diet. Have smaller and frequent meals. Avoid taking one big meal at a time. Stay away from oily and spicy food and have enough water or fruits. Be physically active and go for walks etc. If you’re still uncomfortable (nausea, heartburn) take antacids and consult your doctor if the problem persists.
Question 12: I have 1 year old baby girl. I delivered baby by operation (C-section) and now I weigh 80kgs Will you suggest me when can I have next baby and how can I lose weight early as possible?
Answer 12: Since your baby is just1 year old, look after your baby rather than thinking about the next one. Medically we advise an interval of at least 2 years so that your body recovers and you’re physically, mentally and emotionally ready for the next one. This much time is also necessary for the baby you have already delivered. If you want to have a baby earlier, do consult your doctor and get all the tests done. There is no magic formula to lose weight. There is just one way – to eat moderately and work out more.
Question 13: How to lose weight after pregnancy?
Answer 13: You will never see an animal gaining weight post-delivery. It is only the upper class humans who do. So it means that it is something that we are doing wrong. Probably we eat wrong food and exercise less. The best way to lose weight is to breastfeed. We recommend six months of exclusive breastfeeding to new moms. Eat simple, normal healthy food, exercise and please breastfeed your baby.
Question 14: What is the right time after delivery to start exercising for losing weight? There are a lot of different opinions. Some start right after delivery and some wait for 3 months before starting. I am confused :-(
Answer 14: Nowadays we say that you’re not supposed to be bed ridden after delivery. In fact starting early is the key everywhere. Even after normal delivery, the first exercises include doing your and your baby’s work by yourself. As far as hard core exercises are concerned, for normal delivery, you can start walking etc. after 6 weeks. After 8-10 weeks, you can even join a gym. For a C-section, you can go for walks after 6 weeks but you should wait for 3 months before starting rigorous exercises. We hope you found the video useful and that it answered many of your questions. Watch this space for the next video update!