
Newborn: 5 Must-have Newborn Care Essentials!

By: admin | 11th august 2023

Newborn: 5 Must-have Newborn Care Essentials!

Preparing for your baby’s arrival may involve a long to-do list, leaving you unsure about which essentials to prioritize. You get caught up in the dilemma of making so many decisions that you may feel like you don’t have enough time to plan and arrange everything. The best way to go about this is to break down the requirements and make a list of everything.

Here are five must-haves for a newborn’s care that will help ease your baby's arrival process.

Wardrobe Essentials

Although you may want cute little outfits to click the cutest photos, your baby doesn’t need fancy outfits, especially in the first few weeks of arrival. So stick to simple, plain & comfortable clothes.

Also, the baby will outgrow the clothes at the speed of light. So only buy a few clothes for the first few weeks. At the same time, remember to buy simple dresses because you will need to change them a lot, as newborn clothes get messy easily. 

1: Tops

Your baby can be so tiny and delicate that it can be tricky to dress them up. For such situations, it’s easy to buy a set of tops and singlets that have front openings. Avoid tops that have anything on the backside. 

2: Onesies

Cotton onesies are a good choice for your baby. Onesies are the right choice for different weather conditions, as they can become an inner layer in winter and a lightweight layer for summer heat. 

3: Pyjamas

Pyjamas are the most comfortable for the baby, and you can change them without creating a mess when required. Newborns cannot generate heat or sweat, so choosing a good fabric for pyjamas can save them from cold and heat. 

4: Swaddle Wraps

Swaddle wraps are specially designed wraps that are used to snugly wrap your baby. By restricting the space, swaddle wraps can help your baby fall asleep better, as they make the baby feel secure and less likely to suffocate. Also, protect the baby from cold or harsh temperatures. Swaddle wraps are made from fabrics like muslin & mulmul providing a cocoon-like embrace. Muslin is a popular choice for swaddle cloth because of its lightweight and airy texture.  

5: Socks

A newborn’s feet should always stay warm. So buy at least a minimum of four pairs of cotton socks with cute patterns and multiple colours. This will be the cutest little addition to your baby’s wardrobe. 

6: Sleepsuit

Full sleepsuits are specially designed for ease of changing and dressing. It makes them feel safe and playful because there are no restrictions.

Sleep Essentials

If you choose to keep the baby in the same bed, you may still need a crib for the baby. This way, you can carry the crib to move the baby to different rooms. It’s also necessary to fix a napping area for your baby to regulate your newborn’s sleeping time.

1: Crib & Mattress

A crib and mattress are the first items you must add to your sleep essential list. Choose a firm mattress and quick-dry sheets that can be tucked securely. You can add double-layered, firm pillows to the crib. 

2: Sleep Sack

It is a wearable blanket that can be zipped and keeps the baby’s arms and head open. The wearable blanket stays up even when the baby moves, so there’s no risk of kicking up the blanket and being cold all night. 

3: Light Comforter

A pair of good-quality light comforter sheets are also ideal for the baby’s bedding. Comforters are soft, warm, and breathable to ensure a comfortable sleep. 

4: Mosquito Net

A baby’s skin is extremely delicate and sensitive to insect bites, so covering the crib with a mosquito net is extremely necessary. 

Diaper Essentials

Newborns need their nappies changed at least 10–12 times a day. So, stocking up on the best baby diapers is crucial. Many moms prefer to buy MamyPoko Tape New Baby diapers as they are more convenient to use. If you are planning to use diapers, choose a fabric that is comfortable and breathable for your baby. 

1: Wipes

When changing diapers, it’s essential to clean your baby's bum, and there’s no better option than wipes. Baby wipes are designed for maximum cleaning with minimal effort. MamyPoko Extra Clean Coconut wipes are made of 97% water content to ensure maximum moisture and effective cleaning. 

2: Newborn Diapers

Diapers adjust to the baby’s body without being bulky. They also serve the purpose of protecting the umbilical cord. 

3: Changing Mats

They can be a great help during diaper changes to prevent staining the bed or the sheets. Choose an easy-to-clean mat that is also convenient to travel with. 

4: Dustbin

Disposing of so many diapers in a day requires a separate dustbin near your diaper-changing location. It will help you throw them all away and maintain hygiene at home.

Feeding Essentials

Irrespective of the way you choose to feed your child, be prepared to feed your newborn around the clock. That means you'll need plenty of baby gear for mealtimes. These are the essential baby supplies you should have on hand: 

1: Feeding Bottles

Make sure to get feeding bottles, even if you are breastfeeding the baby. There are different varieties available in the market to choose from, including the material that suits you best.


2: Bottlebrush

It’s a daily chore to clean the baby’s feeding bottles, and a silicone brush specially made to clean the bottles makes the job easier. 

3: Formula (if not nursing)

If you don’t breastfeed, the baby formula will provide the baby with the nutrients it needs to grow and thrive. Anyone can take care of the responsibility of feeding formula milk. 

4: Breast Pump (if you plan to breastfeed)

There may be times when you need to go away from the baby; in that case, a breast pump will help you store the milk for later. 

5: Nursing Pads (if you plan to breastfeed)

Nursing pads absorb milk that overflows between or after feeding your baby. These will help you keep the milk away from your clothes. 

6: Burp Cloths

Burp cloths make feeding your baby a little easier. They absorb the saliva and other secretions that come out and protect the clothes from getting dirty.

Health Essentials

You will need to keep some basic health essentials handy to take better and quicker care of your new family member.

1: Baby Nail Clippers

The fastest-growing thing other than your baby is those cute little fingernails. Therefore, you need nail clippers to trim those baby nails. 

2: Digital Thermometer

Monitoring a baby’s temperature at home will make it easier to understand if medical attention is required. 

3: Medicine Dropper

Babies can’t drink from a cup, so a dosing syringe will let you dispense the medicine into your baby’s mouth. 

4: Hand Sanitiser

Keep a hand sanitizer to keep your hands clean at all times.


We have broken down the comprehensive checklist for the care of newborns. This is the checklist you need to keep and remember to ensure your baby stays healthy and happy in the new environment.

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